All posts tagged as contemplative photgraphy


Envisioning Miksang: The Foundation Practices of Contemplative Photography (online), Philadelphia Shambhala Center, April, 2021

Join Ivette Ebaen, Miksang practitioner and teacher, for the first in a series of online Miksang foundational courses hosted by the Philadelphia Shambhala Center. Learn to ground yourself in a still and quiet mind that prepares you for a deeper meditation, seeing the world afresh, perceived through the eyes of Miksang.   

Saturday, April 10th, 17th; May 1st, and May 8th, 2021, EST 10 am-12 Noon; 3 PM-5 PM GMT, UK & CET

Not to be confused with the usual run-of-the-mill photography courses, Miksang is a contemplative photography practice based on the teachings of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoché. In the process of photographing color, texture, pattern, light and shadow; space and dot-in-space, we’ll experience what Rinpoché called the flash of perception – little glimpses of enlightenment. Recognizing them, we’ll deepen our trust in what we perceive, and allow awareness to inspire our pictures.

“You might ask why we speak of beauty: The answer is that beauty here means fullness, totality–total experience. Our life is completely full even though we might be completely bored. Boredom creates aloneness and sadness, which are also beautiful. Beauty in this sense is the total experience of things as they are. It is very realistic. It means that we can’t cheat ourselves–or anybody else…” -Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoché.

To register, visit the Philadelphia Shambhala Center’s website